Take action to improve meds supplies 


Complete the form below to ask your MP to join us in calling on the Health Minister, Karin Smyth MP, to support people living with epilepsy and Parkinson's impacted by medicine shortages.

In recent months, helplines at Epilepsy Society, Epilepsy Action and Parkinson’s UK have been inundated with calls from people who are struggling to get the medicines they’ve been prescribed due to shortages. 

Will you join the charities and ask your MP to write to the Health Minister to highlight the impact of medicine shortages on people living with epilepsy and Parkinson's?

In March the charities carried out a survey on the impact of medication shortages. It had almost 1400 responses and found that people are being forced to travel miles and visit multiple pharmacies before they are able to access their medication. 

Key findings of the survey were:

  • 70% of respondents had difficulties getting vital medication over the past year 
  • 55% had to visit multiple pharmacies before getting hold of their medication 
  • 66% were only given a fraction of the medicines on their prescription, until more supplies were available
  • 40% saw a worsening of symptoms that they attributed to the stress of trying to get their prescription filled
  • Almost 40% of respondents with epilepsy reported having seizures induced by having to switch or skip medication
  • 36% of respondents with Parkinson’s said that their symptoms worsened.

The information you provide will be processed and held by Parkinson's UK on behalf of the Epilepsy Society and  Epilepsy Action for the purpose of this campaign. Information will be shared with the above charities for reporting purposes and will not be identifiable. Your details will not be shared with any other third party without your permission.