Can’t wait for checkups. Can’t wait for mental health support. Can’t wait for medication. 

People with Parkinson’s can’t wait. They need Parkinson’s nurses, access to better support and access to treatments now. 

But people with Parkinson’s are waiting. They’re experiencing delays in diagnosis, check ups, and poor access to specialist services.

We need your help to campaign for better Parkinson’s services.

Please add your details to this form and write to the Health Secretary asking him to consult with us developing their workforce plan.

A carer of someone with Parkinson’s told us: “access would be worth a million dollars. I don’t think it is too much to ask.”

The truth is that access to timely diagnosis and support is priceless for people with Parkinson’s. Across England people are not able to access appointments with consultants, mental health therapists, physiotherapists, occupational health therapists or speech and language therapists.

We’ve been waiting for the government to take action to address this. The Chancellor announced a workforce plan in the Autumn Statement, but we want people with Parkinson's to be consulted, to understand how the plan will be funded and when it will be published. 

We still haven’t seen the plan, but want it to address:

  • the shortfall of 100 full time equivalent Parkinson’s nurses in the UK
  • 48% of care of the elderly consultants who plan to retire in the next ten years.

We need a workforce plan that meets our needs now! The Parkinson’s community cannot wait any longer. Please join our campaign and write to the Health Secretary using this form.